A community of believers gathering to praise our awesome God together.
Experience God's Love at New Hope Lutheran Church
A community of believers gathering to praise our awesome God together.
A community of believers gathering to praise our awesome God together.
A community of believers gathering to praise our awesome God together.
Our gathering place this Sunday is
The Hope Center
5051 S 2000 W, Roy, Utah.
On Sunday, February 9th, 2025, we will gather at
9:35 a.m. to worship and praise our awesome God together.
On January 26th, 2025, we celebrated Sanctity of Life Sunday.
We had a special offering for Journey Clinic - Pregnancy Medical Clinic of Roy, Utah. Please visit www.journeyclinic.org and www.pregnancymedicalclinic.org for more information.
We are all made in the image of God.
If you would like to contribute to charitable mission work of Ogden Rescue Mission or Lantern House and St. Anne's Kitchen, please make your check out to "New Hope Lutheran Church" and write "Ogden Rescue Mission" or "Lantern House" on the memo line of your check and on your offering envelope. You may also give to the "Benevolence Fund".
To give to hurricane relief, please make your check out to "New Hope Lutheran Church" and write "hurricane relief" on the memo line of your check and on your offering envelope. We will be sending a check to Lutheran Church of the Atonement in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, and the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) Disaster Relief fund.
New Hope Lutheran Church's Facebook page is as follows:
Facebook www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553431594479
New Hope Lutheran Church's YouTube channel can be found at
To add announcements or prayer requests (for "Prayers of the People")
to the weekly Sunday bulletin, please email NewHopeLutheranUtah@gmail.com or minuette@live.com
or call or text 214-564-3000.
We are collecting non-perishable food items, cleaning products, toiletries, and blankets to stock the Hope Center Blessing Box. You may also contribute a financial offering to help purchase supplies for the Hope Center Blessing Box. You can make your check out to "New Hope Lutheran Church" and write "Blessing Box" on the memo line and on the offering envelope. Please see Jean Sojourner or Bunny Griffey for more information about the Roy Blessing Box. You may also give to the "Benevolence Fund" which exists to help those in need.
Jesus Christ is the head of our Church. We believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that we are to give all glory and honor to God, and to show love and kindness and mercy to all people.
We gather together weekly to worship and praise the Lord, declaring Christ crucified and risen. We believe that Christ is coming back again to save us. We believe in the resurrection of the saints.
We believe we are saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ. We believe in God's grace, mercy and forgiveness. We don't celebrate what we do for God. We celebrate what God has done for us.
If you have any questions, concerns or confidential prayer requests, please contact Pastor Bruce Grentz at 801-721-1922 and pastorbruceg@hotmail.com or bgrentz@gmail.com.
Our number is (801) 719-6474, and our mailing address is as follows:
New Hope Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 1655
1123 N. Fairfield Road
Layton, UT 84041.
Contact information for President Nourse (pictured above) can be found in the church app. Our "Youth Cam" can be viewed, including a weekly live stream, at www.facebook.com/pastorbruceandfamily.
The replay can be found at www.youtube.com/@NHLUTAH.
The "Band Cam" live streams from
Outreach, Evangelism, Benevolence, and Missions are very important to us. We give to the Ogden Rescue Mission and Lantern House.
We help with hurricane relief by giving to the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) Disaster Relief program. We are also collecting money to send to the Lutheran Church of the Atonement in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, which is an NALC and an LCMC congregation. If you would like to help, write "hurricane relief" on the memo line of your check and on the offering envelope provided by Lucie Smith to give to this mission of mercy. We also contribute to the Roy Blessing Box located near the Hope Center.
Happy birthday, New Hope Lutheran Church!!!
On Sunday, November 17th, 2024, after the Worship Service we will have a congregational meeting and a luncheon to celebrate our first year of existence as a congregation. A year has gone by so fast. We praise and thank God for His kindness and blessings upon the New Hope Lutheran Church family. We are so blessed and we thank God for all we have.
Mark and Carmen Cairns are our Sunday School Superintendents for New Hope Lutheran Church. Sunday School takes places every Sunday immediately after the 9:15 a.m. Worship Service. We are so grateful for Carmen and Mark, who are committed to teaching the children the Bible stories and lessons of God's Word using. Mark and Carmen have selected Concordia (Lutheran) curriculum for Sunday School. Confirmation Class is taught by Pastor Bruce Grentz using Lutheran curriculum. Families, godparents and sponsors are welcome and encouraged to participate along with the Confirmands.
Thank you so much to Tedi and Steve Morlan for purchasing a new, beautiful wooden stand for Pastor Bruce Grentz to rest his notes upon during the Sermon. Tedi is our Church pianist, and Steve and Tedi host our weekly Praise Band practices in their home.
We also gather at the Lindquist Chapel at 3408 Washington Blvd. in Ogden from time to time. Thank you so much to the Lindquist family and staff for your great kindness and generosity. Thank you to Jan Saterlie for making arrangements for our meeting place each week.
Sunday, November 10th, we will sing patriotic hymns and songs. Please join us to praise and worship our Holy Lord God together. We thank our Veterans who sacrificed so much so that we could all enjoy the freedom and liberty to worship and praise God together in peace. God bless the USA. May God brings peace to the whole world in Jesus' name. We pray for peace in Israel, peace in the Ukraine, and peace everywhere. Amen.
On Sunday, November 17th, 2024, at 9:35 a.m., will will have a congregational meeting and a luncheon immediately after the Worship Service at the Hope Center. Please join us to celebrate New Hope Lutheran Church's first year of existence. We give God all the glory, thanks, and praise. God is so good!!!
We are thankful for our veterans. We are thankful for all those who worship and praise God together with us every week. We do not have a permanent place of our own at this time, but we are so grateful for all we do have. God keeps blessings us, and we are so thankful. We are blessed by God's goodness, kindness, and grace.
Is this a serious Bible Study or a serious game of Yahtzee? On this occasion, it was a serious game of Yahtzee. We do love our game nights and our other super fun fellowship gatherings. We also have Bible Study every Thursday at noon at Scooters in Roy, Utah, where some really good discussions take place. We are grateful for our Christian friendships.
If you see this sign, come on in and praise and worship God with us. God is so good all the time. And all the time God is good. We owe everything to God. We are grateful to the Lord, and we are grateful for our church family. We are thankful for the opportunity we have to praise God together.
Our set-up allows for discussion, interactive sharing time during the sermon, fun, fellowship, and agape meals. If you have felt rejected by churches in the past, we are here for you to accept you, to encourage you, to care for you, and to celebrate God's love. We are a loving, caring, and growing community. All are welcome to participate.
We strive, with God's help guidance, to be caring Christian community. When we fall short, we come to the cross of Christ and God's altar to ask for forgiveness with a penitent heart. We pray for strength from God to obey and embrace the command from our Lord to be disciples of Jesus Christ and to share The Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We practice open Communion (all are welcome to partake at God's table) every time we gather for Worship Service. We believe Holy Communion is a gift of God's grace. We partake in remembrance of Christ's death and resurrection. We partake for the forgiveness of our sins. Christ is the great intercessor and our redeemer. We invite you to "Come Share the Lord" with us every Sunday.
We practice open Communion weekly (you don't have to pass a test or go through a waiting period) for we believe the Lord's Table belongs to God and God's gift is offered to all in the name of Jesus Christ. Christ is the leader of New Hope Lutheran Church, and we are so grateful for God's mercy and forgiveness. We are all sinners saved by grace and faith in Jesus Christ.
Youth Group Flamingo Events are happening this summer. Flamingo Contracts can be purchased every Sunday at the Hope Center. We are thankful for Mark and Carmen Cairns, our Sunday School Superintendents, would are heading up the Youth Group activities and continuing to teach Sunday School throughout the summertime. We are grateful for Mark and Carmen and their dedication to the youth.
December 24th, 2924, Christ Eve Service links are as follows:
December 24th, 2023, Christmas Eve Service links are as follows:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZH-ZYCphyc&t=96s (Youth Cam)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAIDBSWDV6A (Band Cam)
On Ascension Thursday, May 9th, 2024, at 5:30pm, we had dinner together followed by a game night. On Sunday, May 12th, we will have a Mother's Day breakfast in between the announcements and the Call to Worship. Also in 2024, we have Trivia and Treats Night, which was super fun. We also had Bingo Night. We had our one-year celebration luncheon and our third annual meeting of the Fall Season. We would like to thank the Fellowship Team for all they do for us.
Our blessed assurance is that we are secure in Christ and that all we have we owe entirely to Him; we can only glory in, not ourselves or what we have or are, but in the fact that Christ is our advocate and intercessor to Our Father in Heaven. We pray The Lord's Prayer aloud together weekly. May God be pleased with our worship, prayers and praise to Him. Thank You, Lord Jesus. We love You, Lord. Amen. We are a liturgical congregation, but we are not formal and "high Lutheran". We are reverent, but we are not formal. We love God's Word. We love to encourage one another, and we endeavor to foster a positive and caring environment. We are committed to mercy, grace and forgiveness for one another, and we are committed to praise and worship of our Triune God. You won't be beaten up for your past here. We focus on God's love and our love and care for one another and for the community. Our Pastor officiates weekly confession and absolution from the Lutheran Book of Worship. We are so grateful for God's grace and forgiveness. We celebrate what God has done for us - not what we do for Him. We owe God our obedience out of love and devotion, but our salvation is by faith through Jesus Christ alone. Christ's death and resurrection are what saves us. We partake weekly of the Sacrament of the Altar, Holy Communion, officiated by our Pastor (1st Corinthians 11:23-26).
Mark Nourse, President, Treasurer, vocalist, guitarist
Bruce Grentz, Pastor & Chairman of Christian Education
Jean Sojourner, Chairperson of the Reconciliation
& Care-giving Ministry
Lucie Smith, Financial Secretary
Jan Saterlie, Chairperson of the Fellowship Ministry,
Co-Financial Secretary
Minuette Grentz, Chairperson of Worship & Music Ministry,
Coordinator of Musicians, and Secretary
Steve Saterlie, Council Member-at-Large
Tedi Morlan, Principal Pianist
Kadee Underwood, vocalist
Gracie Grentz, vocalist
Mark and Carmen Cairns, Sunday School Superintendents
Russ Smith, Chief Usher and Greeter
Alan Huss, Security Team Leader and Projectionist
Steve Colvell, Projectionist
Wyatt Covell, Gospel Herald
Mackie Grentz, Youth Cam (live stream) and Trinity Bell
We follow the Bible and the Lutheran Confessions. We gather together to hear God's word, to praise God in song, to celebrate God through liturgy, to partake of the Sacrament of the Altar (all are welcome), to encourage one another, and to grow closer to Jesus Christ. We worship the Triune God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe in the three Creeds and in the Sacraments.
Our purpose is to share God's grace with the world, and to be disciples of and for Jesus Christ to provide a welcoming, loving environment where all are invited to worship our Lord, to hear the word of God, and to receive the Holy Sacraments. We are so grateful for our LDS, Catholic and non-denominational church friends, who are a valued and loved part of our church community and church family.
Pastor Bruce Grentz, Th.M., M.S.M & FT,
has lived in Utah for over seven years, and he absolutely loves it. Pastor Bruce has a deep love for our amazing and awesome God, and a love for the people of New Hope Lutheran Church. Pastor always welcomes everyone with a joyful smile and open arms. Pastor Bruce can be reached at pastorbruceg@hotmail.com and
We had such a fun time being together again singing praises to the Lord. Our band practices are filled with laughter and fun as well as praise and worship of our great God. Thank you to the Forest Park Ward of East Layton (LDS) as they kindly allowed us to gather in their church building for band practice. We are so grateful for our kind, awesome friends and wonderful neighbors.
We are so blessed to have wonderful people stepping up to serve, to nurture, and to care for this new congregation and to reach the community. New Hope Lutheran Church is truly a congregation of love, care, kindness, and fun. We invite you to join us as you will experience a warm and welcoming environment and a Christian community that is positive, encouraging and supportive.
New Hope Lutheran Church offers a 12:30pm Bible Study every Thursday at Scooters in Roy. We have some great discussions and prayer time. We recently completed reading and discussing the book When God Builds a Church. We are now studying the book of Jude in the Bible. Please join us as we grow together in our faith. We are thankful for time spent in God's Word with friends in Christ.
Tedi and Steve Morlan host our band practices in their home most every week (and sometimes twice a week). We are so blessed to have Tedi with us at New Hope Lutheran Church. Tedi and her husband, Steve, are wonderful charter members of New Hope Lutheran Church, and they are dear friends. We cannot speak highly enough of Tedi, and she is a lovely, talented, wonderful, and fun person.
Mark Nourse is the President of New Hope Lutheran Church. Mark is also the lead singer and a guitarist in the New Hope Praise Band. Mark is the reason that the Grentz family got to come to Utah back in 2017, and we are forever grateful to him. Mark is a dear friend who deeply loves the Lord. Mark is an essential member of the Sunday Worship Service planning team each week.
Kadee shares her beautiful, angelic, ethereal voice as a beloved member of the New Hope Band. Even more than her lovely voice, we love the privilege and gift of Kadee's presence. She is so fun to be around, and we are grateful for her sweet spirit and her positive and warm personality. You can find Kadee praising the Lord with us most Sundays during the Worship Service at New Hope.
We meet at the Roy Hope Center / Roy Senior Center each Sunday at 9:35 a.m. We thank the city of Roy for allowing us to meet here weekly. We are thankful to Jan Saterlie who has been so wonderful and hard-working and generous in arranging our gathering place. God is so good. We are so grateful to the Lord. We are thankful for our community and our neighbors.
We believe that Holy Communion and Holy Baptism are more than just symbols. We believe that the Sacraments are gifts of God's grace with a physical element attached. Both Holy Communion and Holy Baptism are considered very special and sacred to us through Jesus Christ. We believe we can only have a true relationship with our Holy Father in Heaven through Jesus Christ, His Son.
Gracie is one of our vocalists at New Hope Lutheran Church. Gracie loves her solo in our weekly "Final Blessing" song. She also likes to sing the "Song of Consecration" every week with her Dad, Pastor Bruce. The people of New Hope are so sweet and kind to embrace and be so supportive and positive toward Gracie. We encourage kids to participate in the Worship Services in various roles.
I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
And day by day, attending worship together and breaking bread together, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved (paraphrase).
"But for me, may it never be that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world," Galatians 6:14.
"For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God,"
1st Corinthians 1:18.
"God has spoken to us by his Son, whom He appointed the Heir of all things, through Whom also He created the world. Christ is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature, and He upholds the universe by the word of His power. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high," excerpt Hebrews 1:1-3.
" For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast," Ephesians 2:8-9.
For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith,”
Romans 1:17.
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